Jockey Club Street Music Series: Experimental Series Finale

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Dickson Dee Nelson Hiu Fiona Lee Kung Chi Shing Ken Ueno
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Experimental Series is a new platform for young musicians interested in exploring new possibilities in musical forms, musical language, sound, emotional expression and stylistic gestures. Musicians from different genres – modern classical, experimental, jazz, pop and traditional, will be invited to participate in this musical adventure. The concerts will be a presentation of works-in-progress instead of finished pieces. In each concert there will be a post-performance discussion between the participating musicians and the audience.

Kung Chi Shing

Ken Ueno, Nelson Hiu, Kung - trio
Fiona Lee - solo
Dickson Dee - solo

Experimental Series #13
Date & Time: 19/12/2017 (Tuesday) 8:00pm - 10:00pm
Venue: McAulay Studio, Hong Kong Arts Centre