Gucci to Open ‘No Longer/Not Yet已然/未然 ’ Exhibition

Cao Fei
上海 长宁区 淮海西路570号F座 民生现代美术馆

group exhibition No Longer / Not Yet is sponsored by Gucci and curated by the fashion house's Creative Director, Alessandro Michele and LOVE mag's Editor in Chief, Katie Grand. On show will be installations by nine international artists - Cao Fei, Rachel Feinstein, Jenny Holzer, Glen Luchford, Nigel Shafran, Li Shurui and British illustrator, Unskilled Worker. They've been invited to create works that encompass the notions of 'contemporary' and 'untimely.' Rounding out the mixed media show, installations are presented alongside original scores by sound designers Steve Mackey and John Gosling.

and i made the soundtracks for Cao Fei new work "Rumba2:Nomad" for this commissioned exhibition.

策展人:亚力山卓∙米开理(Alessandro Michele)
凯蒂•格兰德(Katie Grand)


“真正同时代的人,真正属于其时代的人,也是那些既不与时代完全一致,也不让自己适应时代要求的人。从这个意义上而言,他们就是不相关的。然而,正是因为这种状况,正是通过这种断裂与时代错误(anachronism),他们比其他人更能够感知和把握他们自己的时代。毫无疑问,这种不一致以及这种“时代紊乱” (dys-chrony),并不意味着同时代就是指一个人生活在另一个时代…” 意大利哲学家吉奥乔•阿甘本(Giorgio Agamben)/〈何谓同时代人?〉

吉奥乔•阿甘本(Giorgio Agamben)的语句还萦绕于心,Gucci创作总监亚力山卓•米开理(Alessandro Michele)便以2015秋冬时装秀挑战观者视野,探索“何谓当代”。

古驰致力于抛出疑问,而非寻找答案,一切皆因于“何谓当代”,自此开创一连串异彩纷呈的创意论辩。米开理认为,“当代”是处于时间之流的状态之中, 过往的遗迹融合于未来的征兆里,自由,则让歧异的殊途交汇产生全新意涵。米开理的2015秋冬男女系列皆以“当代精神”为创作理念,颂赞过往痕迹与未来光彩交织的过程。米开理也赞同罗兰•巴特(Roland Barthes)的观点: “当代就是不合时宜”。

这场展览邀请了来自世界各地、不同领域的当代艺术家以各自的独有视角与创作, 探索何为当代。米开理与《LOVE》杂志主编凯蒂•格兰德(Katie Grand)共同策划 “No Longer / Not Yet 已然 / 未然”展览,借此阐述古驰侧重当代精神的全新品牌方向。


此次邀请参展的艺术家为: 中国当代多媒体艺术家曹斐及当代艺术家李姝睿、美国雕塑家瑞秋•费因斯坦(Rachel Feinstein)及新观念艺术家珍妮•霍尔泽(Jenny Holzer)、英国摄影师格伦•卢琦福德(Glen Luchford)和奈杰尔•沙弗兰(Nigel Shafran)及插画艺术家业余画手(Unskilled Worker)。而同样来英国的音乐家暨制作人史蒂夫•麦基(Steve Mackey)与约翰•高斯林(John Gosling)将为各个展示空间分别创作原创配乐,共同参与展演。

时间: 10月17日 ~ 12月16日 每天10:00-18:00
地点: 上海 长宁区 淮海西路570号F座 民生现代美术馆
费用: 30元(成人票)

Gucci and its creative director Alessandro Michele are headed to—where else?—Shanghai to open an exhibition on October 16 at the Minsheng Art Museum. Michele has teamed up with stylist and LOVE editor in chief Katie Grand to curate ‘No Longer/ Not Yet,’ an exhibition in which artists around the globe contemplate the concept of contemporary/untimely. It’s a continuation of the question, ‘What does contemporary mean?’, which the designer explored at his well-received Fall 2015 show. According to a press release from Gucci: “In Michele’s mind, it is a state of temporal flux, where relics of the past merge with signs of the future, and where there is freedom to construct new meanings at this intersection of divergent paths. His autumn/winter 2015-16 collections for both women and men embody this idea by celebrating traces of pre-existing worlds and glimmers of worlds in the making.” Alrighty.

If you happen to swing by, the artists include Chinese multimedia artist Cao Fei, sculptor Rachel Feinstein, Neo-conceptual artist Jenny Holzer, British photographer Glen Luchford, British musician and record producer Steve Mackey, British photographer Nigel Shafran, Chinese Op artist Li Shurui, and British illustrator and artist Unskilled Worker. The exhibition will comprise a series of rooms in which the artists’ installations will be displayed, including a personal piece by Michele.